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“For me, intercultural skills mean meeting people from different cultures on an equal footing, shaping everyday working life together and being successful as a team. With RadicalInclusion, I want to make this a matter of course in our globally networked world.”

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Co-Founder RadicalInclusion

Dr. Gisela Zimmermann

Porträt von Gisela Zimmermann

Gisela is interested in the everyday things, stories and technologies we take for granted. Above all, it is the breaking points that inspire her. So it is no coincidence that she is investigating digital media for her PhD thesis on one of Europe's oldest pilgrimage routes. Being digitally present and physically on the move shape the intercultural Way of St. James community and form an awareness of diversity and mental health.

As a former president of the European Cartel Association, she knows what it means to lead an international team and promote international cooperation between student associations from all over Europe.


As a sci-fi nerd and Star Trek fan, you can meet the qualified university lecturer at FedCon in Bonn at irregular intervals. In her talks, she uses examples from Star Trek to illustrate and discuss topics such as pilgrim motives, intercultural communication and gossip.


Gisela uses in her workshops interactive methods and provides space for discussion. As a specialist in diversity and inclusion, she passes on her interdisciplinary way of thinking and her passion for diversity to organisations and team members. 

Shared flat for two with teenage son

Curious cultural observer

Science Fiction und Fantasy Nerd

Communicative didactician

Leisurely hiker

Connected to  world through the Rhine as a Schaffhausen native

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